Primus Case Study

Case Study

How a course lead generation campaign led to an effective change on an SAP academy’s 3x growth.

Problems we faced

  • Highly increases the cost per lead and cost per message. (An approximate amount of 150-200 INR.)
  • Poor quality of leads.

The Story

Primus is Kerala’s one of the best and largest academies which is a gold SAP member. They have been in the industry for a long time and have experienced trainers with a large number of students who are studying and have passed out from the academy. They provide high-quality education to students with the best teaching materials.

The Goal

An effective reach and engagement on digital media was the first step towards building up an SAP gold member academy’s audience.

We faced an issue of a decrease in quality of leads and an increase in cost per lead which had to be resolved along with the launch of new campaigns.


  • Targeted SAP interest for course lead generation initiatives.
  • Analyzed application data and found students of finance and MBA sectors in more numbers and targeted the particular community.
  • Introduced video Ads and made changes in DM Ads and Lead Ads.


  • 50% decrease in cost per lead
  • A fair increase in DM quality and successful video Ads.
  • Quality of leads increased 2x.
  • Targeted campaign was a success and paved the way for more students from finance courses.


We wanted a digital partner who would be able to portray our standards and come up with the latest and better ideas and campaigns for our digital media to cope up with and support our gold membership. We’re very satisfied and look for more towards the future from Haris&Co.

Mukthar Ahammed


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