Case Study

A community targeted campaign with a motive to educate and help younger kids who struggle with english.

Problems we faced

  • Increased cost per message
  • Highly Increased cost per lead.
  • A difficulty in optimization even after repeated attempts.

The Story

Kiddiebus is a platform for younger kids to improve their English speaking and reading skills and a place where learning is made easier. Kiddiebus is a co-division of skill bus, a community with a goal to help, educate and build up the self-confidence for each individual to voice themselves confidently through a very convenient method of online tutoring.

The Goal

Tutoring begins with the effort and trust between a teacher and the student and the genuinity between them paves way for a community. The first and foremost goal was to build up a community with the same motive.


  • Added headlines to videos and introduced parent-child relatable videos with genuine feedback.
  • Added subtitles in Malayalam which grabbed the audience to pause on the video.
  • An effective reach among the audience with the introduction of testimonial videos.
  • Replaced primary text with feedbacks which led to a 50% decrease in cost per lead.


  • An approx. 60% increase in lead quality.
  • Built a larger community on Instagram and Facebook with a common vision of improvising English.
  • 50% decrease in cost per lead.
  • A gradual increase in the number of students.

Build up your community and boost your audience with simple methods. Share this case study with your colleagues and friends if you liked it.


Kudos to the team Haris&Co. for analyzing each step and targeting the parent community for kiddiebus. The quality of leads kept increasing and we’re very happy with the growth of kiddiebus on social media.

Shijas Safarulla


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