Case Study

Know how we ranked one of our international clients in 5 countries within 3 months!


Nazil General Trading (NGT) – A noteworthy automotive necessities exporter and distributor from Dubai, U.A.E.


  • Create an online presence from scratch.
  • Build an interactive website.
  • Plan and strategize an SEO process

Our Approach – What did we do?

Created a new website from scratch and built a strong google presence through an effective SEO process!

Day 1

Designed plan and conducted research.

Day 15

Implemented the Strategy

Day 30

Completion of website & Initiated the SEO work

Day 90

Completion of SEO & Result Analysis.


  • Optimising the on-page metrics.
  • Improving technical SEO.
  • Building quality links from relevant websites.



  • Zero online presence
  • Lacked a website with proper SEO optimization


  • Ranked in 5 different countries
  • Remarkable online growth in just 90 days
  • Built an interactive and engaging website from scratch
  • Ranked with targeted keywords through an effective SEO framework

Ranking Keywords


  • Incoe battery exporters in Dubai
  • Challenger battery exporters in Dubai
  • Total lubricant exporters in Dubai

This is what our SEO Experts team achieved for the client via a result-oriented SEO approach!


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